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Analytical psychology is a psychological approach founded by Carls Gustav Jung. It emphasizes the exploration of the individual's unconscious mind to understand and address psychological challenges and become conscious about the archetypes.

Archetypes are universal, recurring symbols and images that exist in the collective unconscious of humanity. The symbolic images, such as the Hero, the Shadow, the Mother, the Wise Old Man and others, are inherent to the human experience across culture and time periods. 

Jung believed and could empirically prove that archetypes shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, influencing how we interpret and respond to the world.

Archetypes often appears in dreams, myths, and fairy tales, serving as a bridge between the personal and collective dimensions of the psyche. 

By recognizing and integrating these archetypal elements, individuals can gain insight into their own inner workings, fostering personal growth and self-realization. A processes that Jung called Individuation.